Health, Safety & Environment
OMV New Zealand focuses on a robust Health and Safety Management System that develops, implements and maintains a safe and secure working environment for all employees and contractors.
A culture of Protecting What We Care For is embedded in our organisation. Continuous training and competency development, regular emergency management and crisis exercises as well as a thorough audit and review process ensures continuous improvement.
OMV NZ HSSE Policy (PDF, 261,0 KB)
Offshore Exclusion Areas
There are exclusion areas around the offshore pipelines and platforms which restrict access, anchoring and fishing. These are in place for safety reasons as the pipelines contain flammable gas. These areas are detailed on the LINZ marine charts below:
Exclusion Zone: There is a 500m Exclusion Zone around the Maui A, Maui B, Pohokura and Maari platforms, and Raroa FPSA. Entering this area is prohibited.
Protected Area: There is a Protected Area either side of the offshore pipelines which prohibits anchoring or fishing.